“The need to make images must come first. Making should be a compulsion, not a subsidized research project.”
Do you think that one of the basic driving forces must be to show imagery that has not been seen before?
I’m not sure. Yes, possibly. But it is never that simple. Does this mean that images of the far side of the moon are the most compelling? I think not. The need to make images must come first. Making should be a compulsion, not a subsidized ‘research project’.
Making art is a laborious activity. Don’t computers make it too easy?
Perhaps some things are easier. Actually they are just a tool comparable to a ruler or a French curve. It is like saying “If you can type, you can write a book.”
So here is a pencil, become an artist!
Does it concern you how people view your work?
Everyone has a valid opinion and will view the work in different ways. Of course I’m concerned but I realise it is a fruitless anxiety.