‘Emma in St.Pauls Gallery’ 2007
“Has the original message become the medium?”
I find that these works need a more contemplative approach.
They also demand a more improvised reading from the viewer. At least that is the goal.
But of course viewers bring their own interpretation I can’t control that, and shouldn’t perhaps.
This derelict room, one of the few with good illumination, is somewhere in the old abandoned Science Museum. What a fantastic place, it was ideal for an art project or something. I remember spending almost a whole day with fellow photographer Simon Hope, just exploring and cataloguing the many cavernous rooms and side offices all dark and abandoned, anything moveable long since gone.
I am very grateful to him actually for sorting out access to the property through the many layers of the council bureaucracy.
Typically no one made use of the place. It was eventually sold off and built over. But that is no excuse not to utilise it as my temporary virtual studio.
Has the original medium become the message?

The bride in residence in the Science Museum.