'If you haven’t got a problem, anything can go wrong!'- 2009
“There is a connection, I suppose, but it’s not always clear to me.”
The titles don’t seem to relate to the images. Are they referring to the original subject or some aspect of the procedure?
Well, the titles are not meant to clarify, if that is what you mean. To me titles are purely a classification aid, they have to be memorable. I try to be pragmatic but ‘Picture B1 G012’ is just not going to work is it?
I want to avoid the banal ‘seated figure looking out of window’ or the illustrative ‘Tobias and the angel’ or something similar. These titles are explaining the image. This is too obvious and unnecessary. I prefer titles to resonate with the work, not describe it.
So are they just made up on the spot?
The titles sneak up on me. Out of a bunch of ideas one will seem right. So there is a connection, I suppose, but it’s not always clear to me. If the name fits I use it. I can’t articulate exactly what that criteria is.

'Its something we all have had to do at one point in our lives' - 2009